Charities That Benefit When You Purchase Nicamaka Mosquito Nets

Did you know that your purchase of a Nicamaka mosquito bed net canopy does more than keep you and your loved ones safe? Nicamaka also donates a number of mosquito bed canopies to churches and health agencies throughout the year. They also offer bulk discounts to organizations who want to purchase nets for women and children in countries where malaria is still a threat. The company can do this thanks to the support of customers who purchase Nicamaka products. Here are some of the organizations that receive free mosquito bed canopies from Nicamaka and other mosquito bed net canopy manufacturers.

Nets for Nicaragua

Mosquitoes can carry a parasite that leads to malaria. While this disease is treatable, the World Health Organization reports that approximately 627,000 people died from malaria in 2012. For many, malaria presents itself as being flu-like with chills and a fever. Children, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems are most susceptible to this disease.

Nets for Nicaragua is a non-profit agency that takes monetary donations to purchase bed net canopies in bulk and ship them directly to people in Nicaragua, a country where malaria is still a problem. A $10 donation is all it takes to get Nicamaka mosquito bed canopy to a needy family in Nicaragua.

Power of Love Foundation

Project Mosquito Net is one of Power of Love Foundation's charitable programs. The non-profit agency donates Nicamaka mosquito nets to people living in countries where malaria is a problem. In addition to the protective netting, the durable mosquito net bed canopies are treated with mosquito repellents to help keep the disease-carrying mosquitoes out of sleeping areas.

In just over a decade, Power of Love Foundation have donated more than 15,000 mosquito bed canopies to pregnant women and children in countries like Kenya and Zambia. Plans are to distribute another 2,000 mosquito net bed canopies in 2014. Every penny donated to Project Mosquito Net goes directly to obtaining and shipping the mosquito nets to families in Africa who cannot afford them. Buy Nicamaka mosquito bed canopies and help someone in another country sleep safely and soundly.